Thursday 3 March 2011

1st five,primary school,

Here are the first five completed new things:
1) I (will) have retired
2) I have started a blog
3) I have applied for and been offered a place at art school on my portfolio
4) Rewired a new light fitting
5) Tried &, surprisingly, enjoyed aquarobics

     Part 1 of Clare's suggestion of 60 school memories: Primary
The excitement of walking with Michael, thinking "It's nearly my turn"
Thrill of finding conkers to write "autumn" on the mustn't-sit-on window sill
No uniform, but best yellow gingham sundress with embroidery and little jacket
"Point your toes" I wasn't good at ballet so my girls did gymnastics
Learning a primitive "River Dance" with no idea what to do with my hands
Deputy head reading out prayers as Mrs Mudge had lost her voice
Shiny red bucket-bag for my shoes
Being sick in it!
Peter Neville-Jones coming back after a whole term of illness
Primrose, who had hearing aids & glasses
Being told it wouldn't work if I did my tables on my fingers, & wondering why!
Charles & Timmy screaming because they didn't want to go to school
Saying prayers for a classmate in Odstock Hospital after a car accident
Sunlight through coloured glass in the front door, we used the back
Going back, Mrs Mudge swinging me round calling me Janey-waney-waney

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