I'm getting through a pleasing number of books, in bed on weekday mornings is untold luxury and decadence! My grand total is now 41, with a few bits of frivolity which I don't count. We're starting a book club locally, I'll report on it, but the first is Dylan Thomas' "Under Milk Wood" next week.
is an unlikely sounding title, but anything’s possible for someone who makes a
bestseller out of cod! It’s a tale of greed, intrigue, betrayal, world
domination and geology, telling a history of the mankind through the use of
salt. The way history should be taught, why people behaved and moved about as
they did, rather than the dates-and-battles approach that put me off. As in so
many things, the Chinese were centuries ahead of the West in mining, salt taxes
plagued ordinary people then and in many cultures since, imagine a
death-sentence for collecting salt from the sea. Highly recommended!
is the first of her books I’ve read, not the last though. A rather different
take on WW2, through several people’s eyes, starting with a child. It shows the
best and worst of human nature. Thought-provoking, I couldn’t quite decide
whether the end was totally sad or nearly happy!
Things That don’t Make Sense is a collection of the authors ideas on some
scientific conundrums, big things like dark matter&energy, death, free
will, homeopathy & cold fusion. He give a summary of the evidence
surrounding the subject on both sides, mostly fairly balanced, but some seem a
little muddly to me.
Musson: The Million Death Quake is one someone lent R to help with his OU
stuff, however it is easily accessible to normal brains. It outlines the
background to earthquakes, and some of the reasons why they can’t be predicted
with any accuracy. Tsunami are different, often many hours warning while they ponder
their way across oceans, so some optimism there. An interesting book, well
worth reading.
Banerjee&Duflo: Poor
Economics is a sometimes heavy account of why poverty persists, not just
corrupt governments although that’s a major factor in places. For example,
without “credentials” you can’t get a loan to buy rather than rent a cart for
your business, so never make profit, or you have to borrow money every day to
buy a few kilos of vegetables to sell on the pavement. Healthcare and the
possible distant benefits of education, weighed against making a little money
now are more squashing factors. A thought-provoking account.