Monday 19 December 2011

Walking weekend, Castleton, Peak District

This has to be one of the WWA greats, it was our Christmas Party, so as usual we rented a whole youth (?) hostel a good pub meal & drop of medicinal beverage afterwards. On Saturday we had a chilly picnic, Big Al wasn't cold enough so we buried him in snow. Sunday started coldgreywet, almost moved us to choose the teashop option, but we're tough & by the time we'd got to the planned carpark at Barber Booth, it was clearing, finishing as almost the most spectacular snow I've seen, in these conditions even peat hags are beautiful! 


  1. Alastair Dijksman19 December 2011 at 22:38

    Great photographs Jane, they capture the mood perfectly!


  2. Thanks, couldn't really fail given Sunday's weather.
