Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Stained Glass

I've nearly finished A's Christmas present, apart from the final polish. A proper leaded stained glass mirror, the fish I did was copper foiled. That involves sticky-backed copper foil round all the edges, then soldering it together.  

Proper leading has to be far more precise, each piece is enclosed in an "H" shaped ribbon of lead and the junctions soldered. Never take on one with diamond shapes, or trapeziums, they slip like soggy ice! Above are some preliminary ideas and colours. She's always had a bit of a thing about optical illusions, the disappearing-in-to-a-tunnel effect works reasonably well in the final piece.

1 comment:

  1. It looks great :D Can't wait to hang it up - I'll always make sure I have a room which matches the colours :)
